Saturday, February 9, 2019

Announcement: The Contributor's List.


Brian here. Jennifer has asked me to do this announcement. She's swamped with life, and adulting, and the cat's dental care. We've been waiting on the final dotting of "I"s and crossing of "T"s and the signings on the lines which are dotted.

Now that all that important documentation is out of the way. I get to announce the list of contributors to "Space Opera Libretti."

<insert the roaring of a stadium full of fanatical supporters here>

Our contributors are, in no specific order:

Ingrid Garcia
K.G. Anderson
Jean Graham
Julia Huni
Tom Barlow
Harry Turtledove
EDE Bell
James Dorr
Larry Hodges
Cait Gordon
Dave D'Alessio
Minerva Cerridwen
Bruce Taylor
Alex Kropf
Dawn Vogel
Lizz Donnelly
Dean Brink
Spruce Wells
Jennifer Lee Rossman
Brian McNett

We had an absolutely amazing group of submissions to read. This came down to some very difficult choices. It certainly wouldn't take a whole lot of arm-twisting to get me to do this again.

Jennifer and I are editing furiously, but to be honest, our contributors have shown themselves to be real professionals, even the beginners. Our edits will only be to the end of making their perfect darlings even better

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Submissions Now Closed!

Happy New Year, everyone!

Submissions are now closed. We received over 80 stories, and are working our way through them. We hope to have decisions on all stories soon, and then we'll have to narrow down our shortlist to get our final table of contents.

Stay tuned!